How do I use this thing again?

Well hellooooooo LJ!

Long time, no internet connection or computer for me. But now I have both. And all I have to do is remember how to use them. First, a brief recap of the past few months, starting with 1 hour ago:
-after frantic phonecalls to cousin in BC and , figured out how to network the house computers together and get them both on the ‘net
-2 hours ago, ate a meal so large it would gag a python (seriously, I barely chewed, very glad only one witness to my gluttony)
-3 hours ago, helped JVL bandage his hand after an unfortunate run-in with some soap suds and a broken Bodum (Captain Picard-style tea beakers)
-4 hours ago, ran helter-skelter for the GOTrain to Weston, bludgeoning fellow pedestrians competing for sidewalk real estate with my 875lb woad-blue backpack (on loan from the lovely Paul Z)
-5 hours ago, escaped from work and dashed to the Snail
-6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 hours ago, before the work-coma set in, got ripped off by a Toronto cabbie en route to government offices; too tired to protest absurd fare
-15 hours ago, disembarked from special “Parchment Air” flight Vegas to Pearson Int’l *note: actually flew America West, but I think they should change their name and adopt the motto “we guarantee not an atom of moisture will pollute our arid cabin atmosphere!” it was a little dry in there.

And that’s all I’ve got inme for now. Must sleep. If Allah is willing, I will return and type more tomorrow, about San Diego and other stuff, too. Best to break myself in gently, though.

Missed you all!

12 thoughts on “How do I use this thing again?

  1. Welcome back. Thought JVL had put you in a leetle box, within sight of a computer but not quite. close enough. to. type…..


  2. I was wondering when you’d be back from San Diego – am all agog to hear how it went. Hope the fatigue doesn’t get too crazy!

  3. This from the guy who only speaks to me via JVL. Sheesh.
    You’ve got my numbers (and email addresses) – make contact!
    I called and left a message asking you to join me for that huge bass fishing weekend just before San Diego, and before that you ignored my calls about the luge invitational, and before that you turned me down for the curling brier… Wait. Who is this?

  4. Pshaw. JVL would never do such a thing! I’ll have you know it’s a nice, big box, with central air, a regularly replenished water dish and food bowl, and a large collection of Lord of the Rings replica swords.

    The computer taunting is entirely self-inflicted, I’m afraid; I just kept getting too frustrated with the router to deal with the ongoing lack of internet situation, although happily I’ve found my resolve and done it.

    Also found: my peroxide cravings. Last Tuesday I did the wacky and went platinum blonde. So very, very Billy Idol blonde. Ash blonde. Ice queen blonde. My coworkers are aghast.

  5. Wondering… or DREADING!!! Oh lord help us in the impending relocation of all my worldly goods. I am not keen on packing. Or moving. Stairs.*shudder*

    Tres fatigued today. Will sleep well tonight, I hope – yesterday was all about cleaning the entropy from about the house. The yard looks like we’ve been gone for about a year and chrysalids attacked the neighborhood while we were away. So many weeds! It’s like Thistlerama. Maybe Dandelionpalooza.

    Looking at your imaginary boyfriends list reminds me that I wanted to tell you I met and had dinner with a Disney animator – Joe Haidar – who worked on Aladdin’s early character sketches and final animation drawings. Cool, huh? Seth would probably love that this guy has concept credit for Hercules, too.

  6. You may be righteously miffed with me for the missing of your BBQ.

    But I give you hugs anyway! *hugs*

    Missed you. 😉

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