Something weird is going on with me and crustaceans.
Something visceral. Yesterday I was convinced that my bathroom smelled like freshly-shucked oysters, and last night I had several bizarre dreams about crabs.
First, I dreamt that one of my close friends had genital crabs and was kind of peeved, but not really all that upset by it. Then I dreamed that I was walking through an alternative version of the Eaton Centre, where the Indigo books had been replaced by a huge French-language comic book store, named “Cecil” or some other 5-letter name.
While I was looking up at their huge yellow globe-shaped insignia, my now ex-roomie Mari walked by me and said hello. She had a 7-month pregnant belly and she was all happy and smiling. But then suddenly we were in an obstetrician’s office together, and the doctor and I were trying to figure out what was going on with her stomach because there was the outline of a large crab straining against it, shells and claws and all.
Totally David Lynch-styles.
Is Mari going to become with child sometime between June 22-July 22 (the zodiac sign of Cancer is the crab)? Or deliver a baby in that time slot next year?
1) Watching too much Twin Peaks on DVD; Lynch is affecting my mental state. Next it will be midgets.
1) Watching too much Futurama on DVD. Doctor Zoidberg is infesting my headspace.
2) Alyssa & Rob’s wedding menu includes lobster-stuffed chicken.
3) Babies on the brain – Justin’s cousin brought the family crib to our home yesterday for “storage”.
4) Have been hanging out with my Mum (whose astrological sign is Cancer) a lot lately.
Perhaps I am thinking that you are putting a lot of pressure on Mari’s ovaries to get with child. Perhaps I am also thinking this pressure is causing a vacuum within Mari’s womb, which, by nature of the laws of physics, will try and equalize with the atmosphere outside the womb, causing everything around Mari, including innocent giant genital crabs from your other friend who are just walking by TO BE SUCKED INSIDE!!!!!!!!!! …AND NOW THEY WANT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
…to see what this might look like, see my comments on your next entry.
I can only imagine what that crab must have looked like when it came out the other end of the pipe. *shudder*
Where did you find this utterly disturbing snuff flick?