Losing my Coo'(kies/l)

1) I just ate fish and chips for lunch, and am now anxiously looking at the clock every five minutes, wondering when my “full” feeling will abate and leave me with the terrible, gnawing hunger pangs that I’m so going to need to make it through all 6 courses (and wine pairings) of tonight’s swanky dinner without vomiting profusely a la Monty Python’s Mr. Creosote.

2) I sort of flipped out on Justin when he called to tell me that Greg is putting up drywall in the bathroom today and as such, needs the heated towel rack I wanted installed NOW. What about a timeline? What about letting me know about that YESTERDAY?!?!

Also, my tastes are depressingly expensive. My number one choice of towel rack (see below) costs over one thousand dollars. That’s $1000 for those of you who think I’ve suddenly lost the ability to type out numbers in long form. But it’s just SO DAMN PRETTY. I mean, look at it. Isn’t it the most beautiful towel rack you’ve ever seen in your LIFE?

5 thoughts on “Losing my Coo'(kies/l)

  1. I’m in envy/awe.

    If only my bathroom were large enough to accomodate such a beateous wonder.

  2. If only *my* bathroom were large enough for it.
    If only my *bank account* were large enough.

    Alas, I’m afraid it’s just a pipe dream.
    (Ha ha ha! I made a funny – pipe dream, get it? it’s a plumbing joke AND I’m pipesdreams!)

  3. maybe i just don’t get it because i’m not a homeowner…but i think this is one of those times i’d shake my head and say “whyyyy moira? whyyyy?”

    that said, i think heated towel racks are awesome.

  4. it’s pretty… I don’t know if it’s $1000 pretty, but it’s pretty.

    you know, with the shiny and the chrome and the…

    sorry, where was I?

  5. I don’t know, Moira. I’m a bit skeptical of heated towel rack action. What if, in your love-of-heated-toweled frenzy you leave a towel on the rack and dwelling catches on fire?! Do they have automatic shut off?

    (But then again, don’t mind me. I’m not even allowed to have candles in my apartment I’m so accident prone. I really shouldn’t be left alone with ovens, either. So you go on with your towel rack and your bad self. But remember: only you can prevent bathroom fires.)

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