Crumpets and Chores

I just had crumpets for breakfast! Mmm… Britishy.

So far, it seems as though I should be using my “England” icon for this post, but given the forthcoming content, I’ll choose my new “true love” one.

Last night was lovely and domestic. JVL and I bagged some really nasty dessicated, potato-bug-ridden yard waste together, cleaned the croquet set off the lawn, emptied the pool (“we flipped the bitch!” -Clone High reference for y’all), took in the last of the dishes, empties and BBQ utensils, put out the trash and soooo much recycling, and then went inside and finished off the dishes. There was also a pot of tea and some CSI viewing. All in all, a lovely evening.

I had some bizarre dreams about things like eating shards of plastic toys at a Fringe theatre performance (JVL also dreamed about eating toys, how strange is that?) and I woke up at some point yelling out “I’ve got it!” because I was dreaming about being at home with Mum and Dad and the phone was ringing for me. It must have sounded like I was having some kind of Pythagorean revelation, like oh-my-God-I’ve-discovered-noiseless-drape-runners (Twin Peaks reference for y’all), but was in fact, simply me answering the dream-phone in my head.

Really looking forward to this weekend, with ‘s birthday coming up, and ‘s second wedding shower, provided I can find transport to get myself there. Weekend after is looking pretty good too, as it will be the first time I’ve worked a full weekend at the Snail in quite a while — here comes the Toronto Summer ComicCon!

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