The Game’s Afoot

As a gift to , I finally got off my bum and made a “blondie” icon last night. I also got down with my Macromedia self and have started the long and arduous process of relearning how to make GIFs, this time using Fireworks rather than ImageReady. Soon there will be a Silver Snail GIF among my repertoire!

Also, I will be joining in her job search. My secondment with Tourism ends September 20th, and I will move heaven and earth to avoid returning to my old job. As such, I’m beginning a rigorous campaign of daily job applications, hoping that a scattershot method of littering the government with my resume will yield at least one or two interviews before the end of August.

Yesterday I applied to an Administrative Co-ordinator position at Management Board Secretariat at the same classification as my current job, and an Admin Assistant job at Community and Social Services at my old classification. Today I’m going to revamp my cover letter to apply to be a case worker with the Office of Mining and Lands, and again as a case worker for the Family Responsibility Office. The positive side of that last job is that it’s in Downsview – close to home – and it involves filing papers to chase down deadbeat dads – a rewarding occupation, no doubt.

In a separate note for JVL: I took the Maple Leaf bus this morning! It left our house at about 7:40am and arrived at the subway station at 8:05am.
6.07am, 6.40am, 7.10am, 7.40am, 8.10am, 8.40am, 9.10am

10 thoughts on “The Game’s Afoot

  1. Don’t worry people, that was just JVL being sweet, not actually a spooky stalker. He’s a little new to the LJ way of doing things and didn’t know to sign off with his initials. I will endeavour to hook him up with his very own LJ account today so that he can comment with a face and a name.

  2. Phew.

    I was all ready to haul out my can of mace.

    Possibly, his LJ-fu is as weak as mine. Maybe weaker??

  3. ah, job hunting. join the club. yesterday i applied to georgetown university (temping), boston college (library), and the agassiz neighborhood council in cambridge (non-profit community stuff that actually sounds really nice/rewarding), in addition to the growing list of positions i’ve applied for at harvard and the like. except, can i please get a job in boston? please? and why is this process so damned time-consuming? just checking.


  4. The mace would have just muddled your screen and probably rebound back on you. 🙂


  5. Get your Blly Idol on, oh yes. Thanks for the pictures. I believe it inspires me to re-dye my hair, which means have ti fly to Toronto and make Chrissy do it for me. Perhaps black hair is appropriate as I start taking my first graduate classes next week. Drive up on a motorbike, in studded leather jacket and beat up the first guy I see, then take his lunch money. Yeah, because in the graduate biomedical sciences, you have to show your mettle right quick, otherwise you get made into somebody’s bitch!


    PS. You ever think about teaching? The women in comic books idea was a brilliant idea for a course, you can peddle it out again. I don’t remember how that idea progressed over at the Toronto Women’s Bookstore.

  6. Smarty-pants. But I just like hauling cans of stuff out of my handbag so that I can look like a kicking bad-ass.

    Usually it’s a can of Coke that I haul out, but whatever.

  7. I think you should definitely fly to Toronto and make Chrissy do stuff.

    Um, you know. Like dye your hair. And drink alcoholic beverages!

    I have to go now.

  8. Sounds like Caellum’s been dosing on the red kryptonite, hmm? Studded leather and beating up nice Canadian citizens, indeed!

    Did I tell you I bought a limited edition She-Ra in San Diego at the Con? And if you get your butt up to our fine city, there is a Castle Grayskull with your name all over it.

    I have actually been dreaming about teaching. Or at least, attending teacher’s college and then getting a temp job at Hogwarts. Sadly, the reality of teaching is a harder thing for my subconscious to sink its imaginary teeth into.

    The women in comic books idea progressed like so:

    Which is to say, it was not acted upon. Alas. The dream is dead. Long live the dream.

    ps – Chrissy can have the nasty peroxide fumes all to herself. I will simply applaud the end product. More icons to come.

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