Despite my silence, I *was* on the web yesterday, just not on LJ. Instead, I’ve been spending my rare moments of free time researching a new point of sale and inventory system for the Snail. Our clunky old registers get the job done, but I have a hunch that there’s something better out there, if I’m just willing to hunt for it. And I’m willing.
Is anyone out there working at an Indigo or somewhere else with our mix of print and toy product for sale, who can recommend their systems supplier (
Advice welcome!
I’ve finally succumbed to your final transmittable disease: I’m easily distracted from work by the new on line toy you’ve presented me. “What ARE my likes?”, “is there anyone else on here I know?” I should be picturing for the
Geez, didn’t you read my post – this is *all about* work. I’m keeping track of my online research for the Snail’s newfangled technological whatzits. And you need a break; you’re working a double shift. So no guilt. I’ll come by and help out.
(ps – the best part about the “likes” section is that each of them is hyperlinked to everyone else on LJ who has also listed the same thing as a “like”. So, for example, you could meet other people who enjoy watching CSI. Or other people who like underwear. These could be good people to know.)
I know you’ll do lots of investigating, so I won’t bother, but you may also want to look at: since it hooks up with Quickbooks. If you use QB that’s great, if not…then it’s a useless feature.
I would steer clear of Microsoft.
Now then, I *might* have been inclined to help you; however, I have yet to receive a response from my MAY 8TH life updating email, nor from my We’re-Buying-A-Townhouse-I’m-So-Excited-Photos-Attached email…aaand (for the icing on the cake) IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY! You suck! 😛