After my sojourn at the Snail, I started off on what promised to be a leisurely trip up to Olympia Tile to pay for my slate flooring material before they closed at 7pm, which, due to a half-hour long northbound mechanical delay on the TTC, turned into a mad dash and arrival at 7:05pm, just as they were locking the doors. I begged, and they allowed me to leave a BLANK credit card imprint with my signature, since all the cash register systems had been closed down, but Greg needed the tile TODAY since he’s got the toilet and all systems are go. Aaaand they don’t take phone orders. This to me is rather like handing over a blank cheque, but with a much, much higher credit limit to draw funds from. There could be a tile retailer relaxing on a beach in Maui right this minute, thanks to my guileless sense of trust. Eep!
The only thing keeping me calm about that is that it’s really no different from ordering over the phone or on the web. Speaking of which, my newly cell phone has still not arrived. I’ve been living “off the grid” since Taste of the Danforth and it’s starting to get irritating.
I checked my email and lo and behold, the same problem *again* with Future Shop refusing to release the item until I called in from my home phone/billing number to confirm the purchase, and then stand by the phone and wait for them to call me back to reconfirm my shipping address. Why the heck wouldn’t I just call in the order in the first place if internet shopping is going to be made this difficult for me? Sheesh. Anyhow, a new phone should be forthcoming, so hopefully I’ll be reachable at my old cell number by the time the weekend rolls around.