Today JVL and I drove into the city in RVL’s yellow truck, and although traffic was mighty slow driving home last night thanks to the Ex, and slow again this morning, it would appear
In less creepy news, I did manage to mail Mia’s wedding RSVP this morning, but have somehow lost Alyssa’s in the move/renovations. Erg. They spent hours manufacturing them by hand, and it’s been eaten by the chaos on the second floor of my house. I feel small and inadequate, but at least I RSVPed over the phone last night to Rob.
I also took photos of my house and bathroom before running off to work this morning for Cousin Caius – I’m creating an LJ for you this morning, buddy, so I can post exclusively to you later, after I’ve arrived home.
RANT! May I just say how much I detest wankers who sign up for email or journal accounts and use up ALL THE COOL NAMES, leaving only the dregs for the rest of us. For example, on LiveJournal: I tried to get “JVL” for JVL, but some loser in South Korea took it in 2001 and has never once posted in it or commented in any friends journals, or in fact made any LJ friends. Screw you, fake-JVL! Now I’m trying to get my cousin an account, and all his usual handles are taken by similar deadbeats. “the_saint” is taken, no listings, posts, or friends. “clouseau” is a similar deal. “saintgeorge” is taken by a really interesting fellow in Montreal. I’m running out of ideas, here…
I even heard about the hostage situation over here in England! I’m very glad that so few people were hurt and that no-one I know was involved.
And I feel exactly the same way about “PDR” who set up their LJ in August 2001, but never once felt moved to post anything! “Demureart” they call themselves. Demure-fucking-art my ass, say I.
Okay, so I get it…CJ gets Alllllll the attention and name-helping-finding, and what did I get? I got shoved at LJ, no guidance whatsoever, no loving hand to hold…no looking for suitable names for me.. >sniff< .. I'm starting to feel all unloved again...
nicknames for CJ:
It has been a LONG time since I used such a lengthy internet-only acronym for my internalized guffaws at work.
Such. Good. Work.