1) I’ve walked past the display case in the lobby 5 or 6 times now, and have resisted the criminal urge to smash my fist through the glass, reach in and chug the entire bottle of maple syrup that is there to remind us all of Ontario’s resource-based tourism industry *despite* my late afternoon sugar-low and the joy of paying homage to ‘Supertroopers’.
2) I just found $5 in the pocket of my pants, which *almost* offsets the $20 I had to pay yesterday to have the cab driver whose taxi I left my cell phone in bring my wandering handset back to me.
3) I remembered to take my vitamins today AND to bring
4) In about 4 hours, if I am a vigilant Ebay buyer, a lovely pair of silver snail earrings will be mine!
5) It’s the Friday before a long weekend, and I am zen about leaving the 187 emails that are sitting in my inbox until Tuesday of next week. Did I mention I’m taking Friday the 10th off as well? Ohhh yeah.
6) I *finally* figured out some of the ‘animation’ functions of Macromedia Fireworks yesterday, and created some new icons. See?
At this point the cellphones of the world have put up a warning poster of you on some website someplace.
Also: those earrings are TEH CUTE.