1) JVL and I spent almost all of the long weekend zombified in front of the telly, watching CSI season 3. It’s painfully addictive stuff. I’ve now returned to start viewing seasons 1 & 2.
2) Setting up a United Way lunchtime campaign launch for your large corporation, when you’ve got location booking problems, no food, no barbeques, and less than a week left to the event, is *intensely* stressful. I’m sure it will be rewarding when it’s done, but egads! Next Wednesday? Gulp.
3) Interview tomorrow at 2pm with Management Board Secretariat. Somewhat nervous. Going for hair cut and colour at Civello Salon on Queen tonight after work. Think I will go for a nice, sombre brown to make me feel more corporate and chiefly. Got another call for an interview in October with the Office of the Mining and Lands Commissioner. Nice to have a back-up, although October is a long way off, in the event that tomorrow’s interview doesn’t pan out. Send me positive work-getting vibes, please!
Good luck with the interviews. Job interviews suck. I did get my job, I start on September 20, and the resignation letter I handed in last Friday and posted in my LJ was based on what is probably the most (in)famous resignation ever tendered:
Anyway, I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow when you are answering a slew of idiotic questions; I know as well as you do that you’ll do fine.
“Hm, my biggest weakness? I’m “too much of a perfectionist.” I have to work on my “time management skills.” Oh, and I have a slight tendency to “skin and eat people who ask me stupid questions.” Would you call that a weakness?”
In other news, I bought a Palm Pilot yesterday and I humbly request that you send me every possible scrap of contact information that you have. I have to put something in this thing.
You and I can suffer through UW week hell together.
What division of Management Board Secretariat? I know a few people in the MyOPS and Customer Service areas…
The very official sounding “Office of the Chief Corporate Strategist”. From what I can tell on the website, it’s about making the government more web-accessible and technologically cutting-edge. I’m all for that.
See you tonight at midnight, maybe? Depends if you’re working Ryerson or not, but JVL and I will be at ‘Ghost in the Shell 2’.
I am working all the midnight madness films, so I will (perhaps) see you then! I say perhaps because it is a very big theatre…
Sounds like a good dept. I’ll ask around and see if there’s anyone that might be a good target for a good word about you.
If nothing else, I’ll be easy to see in a crowd. The girl at the mid-week, midnight Japanese anime feature in absurdly corporate looking black-with-platinum-pinstripe button-down collared shirt, black blazer, black knee-length skirt with embroidered platinum ivy-leaves and black leather mary-janes to match. Big plastic-rimmed glasses and ultra-short Julianne Moore auburn hair, also corporate.
With the geek-prep boyfriend at my side. He was still in bed when I left, but if I had to make a guess at his attire for today, it would be Ecko brand tan cargo pants, an Ecko silver surfer shirt, with a button down shirt layered on top, and a black ivy shaped Kangol cap. Given the cold weather, possibly a burgundy and navy Roots pullover hoodie. Total guess, but I can’t wait to see how accurate or off-base I am with my little “what’s Justin wearing?” game. 🙂
As if there was ever any doubt.
On a related note, dude – you didn’t bring comfy clothes to change into for your evening out? I live right downtown, and I *still* sometimes bring a pair of jeans and a t-shirt to the office, so that I might do the Stephanie Kay thing before the evening’s various festivities begin…
Also? Did you get the evite to my b-day partay? I tried three different addresses, hopefully one of them worked…
Additionally, we didn’t do our usual Wednesday thing this week (alas). Any interest in making plans for sometime…?
I am indeed interested in making other plans, but you may have to face the suffering of joining me for a moooovie, as it is now officially film festival week! Can’t type long, have to go apply cautious quantities of mascara and lipliner to try to dispell the unsex’d look I get when I wear collared shirts (especially pinstripes).
Wednesday was a write-off due to hair appointment in prep for interview. Tomorrow I am off work but downtown much of the day watching films. Perhaps you could sup with and I? I’ll be less corporately dressed…
Ya, I know someone in the office of the Chief Corporate Strategist (or whatever it is precisely called). They run the Showcase Ontario conference that is going on next week, for which we built the website [www.reg4showcase.ca] (and you haven’t registered for! Tut tut!). Meh. Good luck- they seem like a pretty good bunch of people.