Aaaah. Bisto. Domestic bliss.
Yes, the wedding went well. No rain Friday, just some very chilly wind. In the morning, I learned how to tie a tie, and after some experimentation with super-fat Windsor and half-Windsor knots, settled on the four-loop tight style. Then hop! Into the big yellow truck with JVL and I, where we drove up to Kettleby to see Justin’s childhood homestead and meet his neighbors (and their horses! squee!). Then over to Newmarket to consume a vast platter of apple butter ribs and a chocolate-banana shake at Montana’s and zip into Upper Canada Mall to purchase my new favorite red bra. Thanks to the wonders of artificial birth-controlling hormones, I have now blossomed in my late-twenties into a C-cup. 38-C, thank you very much. At the grand event itself all went well, bride and groom had lovely vows, I recited my poem flawlessly from memory, and the dinner was scrumptious, especially the salad! Since Justin and I didn’t partake much of the open bar, we had our wits about us, and caught both the bouquet and garter, respectively. Go team!
Saturday was peaceful and relaxing, after feasting on the post-wedding breakfast and stealing two irresistable tiny pots of jam, we drove in bright sunshine over to Justin’s mum’s house for a memorable visit — she bought us new recycling boxes! and I got a Mansfield Park DVD! — and the first visit for JVL and I as a couple to Ikea for home furnishing purchases (more DVD racks and another bookshelf). Then I had a long, long nap, Justin cut the lawn, and we rounded out the evening with a trip to Shoppers to purchase loads of junk food and the heretofore mythological cure for lactose intolerance, Dave C’s handy “chewable vanilla Ultra-Lactaid”.
Sunday we bought a really massive quantity of groceries at Costco, including $50 worth of Hallowe’en candy for distribution to the neighborhood kids. There was a lot of tasty cheese included in the grocery run, but never fear! With the chewable Cure for Cheese added to my tummy apothecary, all was well. Well enough that I snarfed down oozing loads of Double Creme Brie, Boursin, Port Salut and Saint Andre with a large baguette, seedless red grapes, mini sweet-peppers and Wolf Blass shiraz. Yummy. We (and by “we” I mean mostly JVL) assembled the two DVD racks and watched another two episodes of CSI:S1 with TCBIC himself, Mr. Dan Z, who provided the perogies for our late night steak and perogie feast. So much eating this weekend!!!
The bookcase we left to put together tonight.
This ends my listing of domestic pleasures for the weekend. Or at least, those parts that are suitable for general consumption. 😉 I hope you all had a weekend equally full of joy, and that your Monday carries on the general tone of delight.
are going to be spending an inordinate amount of time in Newmarket in September.
Also? There will be no boquet or garter toss at my wedding. Craig and I both hate that, especially the heinous part where the groom has to take the bride’s garter off her leg with her father (most likely) watching. Can’t do it.
Also? You have to consume a lot of alcohol at my wedding. It’s a rule.
Um, yes, about the drinking. I have to be *driving*, and JVL can’t just take over for me when I get wasted. Even if we do end up staying over in a hotel (and we’re considering skipping that bit and just staying late and driving home, due to some prodigious wedding-related rental/gifting costs this month), I’d still have to drive TO the hotel. So, sorry, I can get tipsy, maybe even woozy if I start right at the beginning of the reception, but nothing I can’t shake myself out of into full sobriety by 2am.
Newmarket is a fresh and lovely place. Happy to be up there. Happy to be celebrating with you.