I didn’t get the job at MBS. 🙁
The lady was really nice on the phone. She said I was the first runner up candidate, and I would absolutely have had the job but an internal candidate who knew more about how their branch worked applied for it and won.
Got a promising call from my old manager this morning saying she might have something for me at my old branch that would be more challenging, but when I called her back this afternoon, she was very curt and basically asked me what new skills I was bringing back with me, and what did I think I was qualified to do, other than my old job? I gave a couple of examples, and she did not sound impressed. Said she had to rush off to a manager’s meeting and hung up. Have not heard back.
Bad scheduling mix-up at work, very rushed, not my fault *at all*, but made me look bad in front of the Deputy. Grr.
Completed my “begging letter” for part-time reinstatement into the Master’s program next semester. Will fax it out tomorrow with notes. Not liking my odds, given today.
I wonder if the decimal point has anything to do with all this?
I think I should go home and sulk now.
>hugs< Sorry about the no-job and crankyunhelpful lady. Have some cheese. That'll make it all better. 🙂
Even virtual hugs make me feel much better, coming from you. 🙂
I’m planning to take vacation with Justin the first week of October, which is stinky because we have from about the 3rd to the 11th off work, and we’d like to fly out to BC to hang out with you and CJ and some of Justin’s friends, but you’ll have moved to the sticks by then, and will still be going crazy unpacking no doubt, and apparently Caius and Cait are moving to the Bahamas?!?! So now I don’t know WHAT to do.
Any ideas??? I miss you and it would be good to see you, even just for a day or two, but I don’t want to bother you while you have moving issues and I think you said you’ve got other guests coming. Hmm.
sorry about the job thing. go to OISE with me instead. much love.
That sucks – but look on the bright side – you clearly interviewed very well, you only didn’t get the job because of someone else having an inside edge.
As for your former manager, that just sounds jerky and unprofessional. Ugh.
On an unrelated note, I am at home today (not ill, mostly just severely overtired and needed to SLEEP this morning), so when you contact me with info about the movie tonight? You should do so at my home phone number or one of my email addresses. Or LJ.
Basically anything but my work phone, which I don’t have access to today.