Day of Mystery

Mystery one: why won’t my brain stop thinking about the movie ‘Her Alibi’, a late 80s comedy/mystery/thriller starring Tom Selleck and some Russian chick? Hypothesis – I’ve watched ‘Romancing the Stone’ and ‘Bridget Jones’s Diary’ recently, both stories narrated from the point of view of a writer seeking real life adventure, and this may have affected my subconscious.

Mystery two: why wouldn’t my Manager’s door pass work at ten to eight a.m., but when I arrived at the office at quarter after the hour, it resumed functioning? Hypothesis – our electronic security system sucks.

Mystery three: how did JVL get what appears to be dried blood on his right hand this morning, when he spent the night sleeping next to me, has no visible wounds on himself, I am not bleeding from anywhere, and we have no pets? And why won’t this mysterious orangy, possibly-blood substance come off when he’s washing it? What household substance could leave this sort of stain in one’s knuckle-creases and fingernails? No working hypothesis.

Looking forward to my “retirement from Tourism” luncheon with my coworkers at the Green Mango dining room on Yonge today. I think I will order the Cah-vay Springs riesling to go with my green curry chicken or spicy basil squid or whatever I end up getting. Mmm.

Also, when will people notice that I MADE CAIUS/ A LIVE JOURNAL!!! Please go be-friend him immediately and read the titillating biography/interests/picture gallery I created for him, before he cracks into his own account and “fixes” it. and , I’m looking at you here. Suggestions for other of CJ’s “likes” page are welcome. Also, any good photos of him that I can iconify should be emailed to me at once! Thank you.

5 thoughts on “Day of Mystery

  1. likes: sleeping in, doing bugger all, identifying aeroplanes by their contrails, cups of tea, spicy foods, sim city 3000, railroad tycoon, hong kong, airports, baggage handling, snarkiness, Super Troopers, Air America, dried mangoes, starting businesses, money, the good life, top gun, the homosexual undertones of Top Gun, coconut rum, cheap booze, someone else doing the cooking, thai food, slashdotnet…

  2. Please see newly updated profile to reflect some of your deeper insights into my beloved cousin’s true self.

    Ha ha ha ha ha I love this game. 🙂

    (ps – Again, good luck tonight, and beware sharp objects.)

  3. Clearly Justin is experiencing The Stigmata. Probably stigmata nervosa, brought on by overwork, poor diet and too much CSI.

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