Ahh. Can you smell that? It’s the scent of vacation. And it starts tonight. Thanks to the wonderment of having someone who needs little to no retraining to cover my position, and a really super-nice current manager who is willing to give me a day of grace to pull myself together and tidy up all loose ends, I’m feeling pretty relaxed right now. Also, I finally found those gorram ring tokens at the Summerhill LCBO last night, bough $90 worth of wine, and even though every one of them (and the ones my Mom bought) were losers, at least we tried. By Golly, we tried.
It also helps my mood that I found out about a NEW! JOB! that I’ll be starting when I get back from vacation/Thanksgiving on October 12th.
No details yet, but it’s at my old branch, so I’ll be working with
But, to sum up, I’m very happy. And I’m going to go get a pedicure.
That’s awesome, hon – vacation *and* something better to come back to! I’m so happy for you – I hope this makes your trip that much better.
Thank you – it can only be contagious, so I hope it rubs off on you, most noble, deserving and abused worker that you are.
Maybe I should take you with me for that pedicure… you could use the forced relaxation and I still owe you a birthday gift! Although I know you’re not usually down with the whole ‘spa’ scene. Did you ever get around to using that gift certificate from Stillwater???
Hugs to you, I’ll give you a call later.