In case anyone’s wondering…

I am still checking LJ and posting daily, it’s just that all of my posts are school-related and I sensed that it could get dull for some of you to be reading my gestating ideas for theses day after day after day, so I’ve been locking them as ‘private’. But I will get off the hardcore school bandwagon soon, once I’m more caught up on my reading.

Byron’s ‘Don Joo-Ahn’ is better than I thought it was going to be, but damned slow reading. I keep getting stuck on words like “cant” and “falchion” and “mulct”, and then Justin is awesome and looks them up for me on the internet. Hooray!

7 thoughts on “In case anyone’s wondering…

  1. I’m a school junkie! I WANNA read what you have to say about school. I really wanna. Especially since it’s more or less what I post about all the time anyway.

  2. A falchion is a sword, much like a cutlass. Or a birfd with sharp eyes and claws and eats rodents. A Muclt is a haircut, business in the front, party in the back. “Cant” means you shouldnt or are not able to do something.

    You should always bring these little issues to my attention so that I can straighten them out for you. Also, you should bring justin with you to New Orleans. And put Chrissy in a box and brinf her too. Dont forgot to punch little holes in the box, Chrissy likes air. Pretty sure.


  3. That is Ee-Firmative, Ghost Rhyder. Check. Check on the beads for boobies, check. Now just armtwist Chrissy in to going. She waffles something fierce. Some silly thing about buying a condo.


  4. Wonderful, dahling, now all I need to know to make my mastery of Byronical terms complete is the definition of what a “birfd” is.

    And Chrissy thinks air is overrated. She’d be much happier boxed in with wine, methinks. Perhaps she could finally use those wine-gills she was born with. Wait, was I supposed to mention those publicly?

  5. Oh, I know all about Chrissy’s wine gills, they’re located right under her…..nevermind. How did you know about them?

    A Birdf is a girl from the South of Great Britain. Claws and all. Eats rodents. Small hands, smells like rutabaga.

    What is your stance (and consequently, Justin’s) on this New Orleans trip? Or have I been saving beads for the last 18 hours for nothing?


  6. Ah, discovering Chrissy’s gills for the first time… a magical moment, for both of us. Never fear, a solid bead collection won’t steer you wrong – there’s no such thing as collecting beads in vain. I’m investigating the possibility of New Orleans, but I think I’ll have to wait and see about flights. At the moment the best I can do direct Toronto (YYZ) to New Orleans (MSY) is $550 direct return on United Air from the 27-30 May, or $418 with stopovers in Cleveland or some similar bummy locale.

    Must hold out for way, way more reasonable fares before splurging on tickets for 2, especially since I’ll have to be buying tickets to Victoria, BC for June or July, to attend my cousins wedding.

    But that doesn’t mean I don’t REALLY REALLY want to go stay in the French Quarter. BADLY.

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