Friday after-work “to do” list:
1. Desperately try to catch 4:45pm GOTrain home.
2. Type notes from this week’s classes.
3. Email professors with uncannily insightful thesis proposals
4. Read Cantos 2-17 of Byron’s ‘Don Juan’.
5. Read Bakhtin’s ‘Theory of the Novel’
6. Read Waugh’s ‘Brideshead Revisited’.
7. Kiss Justin goodnight.
8. Assssleeeeep (by 10pm if possible).
Likelihood of achieving anything on this list other than #7, and maybe #8 if I’m lucky? Low.
No time for: eating, television, movies, coffee with friends, yoga, shopping, watering plants, video games, laundry, dishes, assembling bookshelves, painting, visits to museums, libraries, making art, creative writing, fixing the broken drain in the basement or taking photographs.
And this is entirely self-inflicted. Sometimes, I’m really stupid when it comes to things I expect of myself.
You should be really proud of yourself for going back to school and still holding on to your full-time job…everything on your list will get done in time, if not on your timeline.
Smooches – you’ll figure it out. I would actually recommend sleep first.
Tip: Although this sounds heinous, when I was trying to get all my music learned around wedding, full-time work and insane commute, I would get up at 4:30am or 5am and give myself a solid hour or so of work. It’s not that bad – it’s quiet, you’re fresh and you can make a nice pot of coffee to go with your studies.
It’s the only way I learned those two killer roles I had to know for October. Just a thought!
What happened to your “Drink make pain go” icon????? That was my favourite! I was just about to reference it in the comments on an entry in my own LJ, and it was goooooone.