MO·GUL – Pronunciation Key (mgl, m-gl)
1) n. A member of the force that under Baber conquered India in 1526. A member of the Muslim dynasty founded by Baber that ruled India until 1857.
2) n. A small hard mound or bump on a ski slope.
3) n. A very wealthy or powerful person; a magnate. [syn: baroness, businesswoman, business leader, queen, ruler, magnate, power, top executive, tycoon]
I’m aiming for definition number three.
Meeting with the vendor tonight to (hopefully) sign papers and deliver deposit into trust. Closing date should be Valentine’s Day, if all goes well. Fingers crossed!
Awesome, hon!
Good luck…maybe I can stay at Boardwalk one day and say I knew you when… 🙂
I’m not sure what that is all about but hey, good luck to you! I’ve been trying to gun for that role for some years now. Unfortunately all I have to show for it is astounding debts a few great stories. 😉
Best of luck!