Last night JVL was on television! He apparently appeared on Report on Business, talking about toys, sometime between 5 and 7pm. Naturally, I was not near a TV to witness this, because I am doomed to never see live video feed of my boyfriend. JVL was also a little on-edge and headachy when we got home last night. Not even homemade burritos and the Valentine’s Day episode of the O.C. could shake him out of the groggies. We both attributed these symptoms to the twin evils of beer and coffee, the tag-team of which he had fought valiantly during his lunch meeting yesterday.
But this morning I’m beginning to wonder. The Justin remains at home in bed; this morning’s thoughtful cuddling may have been partially a side-effect of the chills, and the phonecall I made home from Union when I got off the train confirmed for me that he won’t be going in to work today. I think my fella has some genuine sickness going on. I checked the transit timeline, and there is no way I can go check on him between work and school, so he’ll have to suffer alone between now and about 10:30pm when I get back from class. Pooh.
In other news, I have a mini-cold sore developing on my bottom lip, which will make me feel wretched for the next few days. I’m going to the bank today at noon to do more paperwork for the condo. And I’ve decided my favorite mineral/gemstone is: labradorite.
Also? Just for you,
ROTFL! Moira, I LOVE that icon.
Mmmm, I’d forgotten how hot Rainbow is. Shame on me!
I watched the finale last night. It had my stomach in knots! KNOTS! *sob*
Take your vitamins, you guys, because it sounds like JVL may have The Plague that’s been going ’round, and it is Not Fun. *healthy thoughts*
Take your vitamins, you guys, because it sounds like JVL may have The Plague that’s been going ’round, and it is Not Fun. *healthy thoughts*
He might very well be on there because the graphics guy spends all his free time at the Snail. I know this ’cause C often goes with him.
Actually, that’s how C recognized JVL at the wedding. Whee!