Roommate Situation Update

Tsk tsk. Roommate did not play according to rules of game. Roommate called home and asked JVL where laptop was, or if laptop had perchance been stolen due to lapse in house security. JVL had to disclose that laptop was in my possession, creating the unfortunate spin that it was being held hostage. Not so. Simply being “borrowed”, as per firmly established rules of the house, according to A’s precedent.

To clarify situation, have left phone message on roommate’s answering machine. Cannot help but feel that this will sap my gesture of all it’s petulant charm and turn roommate relations into cool discomfort. Oh well, roommate is leaving for his sister’s house tonight anyhow, so it’s not like I’ll being bumping into him around the house.

Also, the bastard has NOT YET returned my paint supplies, so he can continue to stew in it. I think my phone message, while slightly marred by the high pitched edge of contained rage and the tumbled-over rush of words spat out frustrated desperation, contained the gist of my concerns: 1) don’t take without asking, 2) don’t take out of house, 3) don’t take and delay returning, 4) don’t take ever again period I mean it.

5 thoughts on “Roommate Situation Update

  1. Oh, feh. Phone message is much less fun than previously-discussed options. Still, one may hope point has been made.

    One hopes that he doesn’t take the loser “well you did something to me so the original thing I did to you is now totally negated” route. Down that route lies lameness.

  2. Well, I am sure he is cowering with fear (and probably rage) somewhere. He knows he is in the wrong, but the question is whether he will actually admit that.


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