After taking a long bath at the condo last night while reading Tennyson precariously balanced on my burgeoning belly, and cricking my neck into peculiar and painful angles on the rim of my metal, non-sloped tub, I’ve decided I need to get me one of these book-holding doohickies, and one of these neck-cushioning doohickies.
It is my firmly-held belief that the tray, at least, has “garage sale item” written all over it, and I am assigning my Mum to the task of hunting a nice one down. Especially since she took the time out of her day and mine yesterday to call me at work and leave me a message informing me that my LJ icon makes me look fat. Thanks, Mum, that was a real boost to my afternoon.
I myself have had some “belly issues” of late. While browsing through the photos from my department’s grad student recruiting weekend, I was a little taken aback by this, this, this and this.