Photos From Prison

I’ve been saying I’ll post photos of the new condo for a while now, but have not actually worked my way around to doing so. Until today! Aha! Now, I’ve put them behind a cut-tag, so that people with slow modems (I’m looking at you here, !) don’t mutter obscenities at my inconsiderate visual spamming of their LJs.

And an important warning to readers who may not have LiveJournals of their own: anyone not signed in with a LiveJournal account that I have “friended” will not be able to see these pics, since I’ve locked them as “friends-only” in a mild bout of paranoia about my apartment being potentially scoped and broken into, after ‘s recent incident of burglary just up the road. So get an account, friend me, and sign in so you can see my pics!

Anyhow, go take a peek at where I’ve been holed up to do schoolwork for the past week. It’s extremely Ikea-y. , this is very exciting, you can now see my new place! Yay! (Note: If you click on them, they’ll enlarge so you can see details)

My Pretty Convent

Bathroom Bathroom
Bedroom Bedroom
Sofa Sofa
View From the Door View From the Door
Living Room Living Room
Office Office
Kitchen Kitchen

Also, I am going to ‘s wedding in late June, and I’m looking for flights. My Mum bought hers yesterday, so she’s been hunting around, and I know is still hunting for his, but if anyone sees any seat sales for YYZ-YVR or YYJ for anytime in the range of June 20-29th, please let me know!

Back to the essay writing. Waiting for an afternoon visit from before he goes into work for the Silver Snail Midnight Madness sale this evening! Midnight Madness! Woot!

17 thoughts on “Photos From Prison

  1. My apartment was not scoped and broken into. It was completely random. Seriously. Why is everyone such a conspiracy theorist?

  2. Very nice! Since I am currently trying to make sense of condo floorplans, do you mind if I ask how big the rooms are?

    (I keep trying to translate things like 10’2″ x 8’10” into real-life dimensions and failing horribly… I’m scared I’ll wind up buying a condo which is actually the size of a shoebox!)

  3. Although I’m not sure how photos in an LJ with no RL name or address would facilitate that.

    As for my situation, I’m a bit touchy about it, I’ll admit, because people keep telling me I “must” have been scoped out, and seem to be fascinated with the idea, whereas to me, it’s mostly just scary.

  4. No, I didn’t lock the *entry*, but I did lock the photos. So anyone can read the entry, but if you’re not logged in as a friend, you just get little “broken link” Xs instead of photos.

    And thank you! 🙂

  5. This place is very “open concept”, so there’s really just one big room, with a bedroom and a bathroom on the side.

    I don’t know room dimensions, just overall square footage, which is about 825sq/ft. That’s really big for a one-bedroom; this could easily have been converted into a 2-bedroom place. Generally, I’d advise against going for a one-bedroom under 550 sq/ft. And any room that’s smaller than 9’x9′ is a pretty small room. Nine by nine fits a desk, a bookshelf and a double bed *just barely*. So, a bathroom might be smaller, or a laundry room, and depending on the set-up, maybe a kitchen, but only if said kitchen has at least one wall open, like a serving bar or something.

    Hope that helps!

  6. Yes, it helps! I was thinking it looked much bigger than the other places I’ve seen, and it definitely is.

  7. It does look great – as does your icon! CHEESE (Port Salut!) OMG YAY!!!

  8. Photos in LJ can lead to someone bookmarking for further info, I guess, to wait and see if someone slips a name or location. At any rate it doesn’t hurt to be careful.

    Being careful isn’t the same as being an “oo, the thing that actually happened to you in your actual life is to me merely an interesting thing to speculate scarily about” vulture, and if that’s been happening to you, I’m sorry.

  9. oooh, you kept the couch and the shelves and apparently the tv stand. pretty… but methinks you need some art or comics on the wall. they’re a wee bit bare. otherwise, very nice.

  10. That’s one lovely condo you’ve got. I dig the colours!

    All things considered, if you have to be imprisoned somewhere to write essays, you could do much worse.

    And with that, I’m going back to writing essays in my own pretty little prison.

  11. I read a little about what happened to you about getting robbed..
    maybe someone got the info from your whois for your website?
    I always use fake info for that stuff.. I dont want someone swiping all my schtuff..

  12. This is exactly what I’m talking about.

    No one “got the info” from anywhere. I live in a nice neighbourhood, in a building full of yuppies and students with rich parents. Multiple apartments along the same stairwell were hit that day. It was a series of random smash-and-grabs. Nothing more.

  13. Looks like I read your above post a bit wrong, and since Im not one of the 151 people that had access to the full story I didnt get the full tale.. gosh!

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