Boo hoo

I can’t find my cell phone. Where could it be?

Noticed it was missing Monday. Searched the house yesterday. Work and condo today. I haven’t made a call on it since Friday afternoon. I haven’t really been anywhere but work, condo and house from Friday to Monday morning, except going to the Snail for Midnight Madness and then back to the Snail again to get driven up to the house Saturday morning.

Maybe I left it in Eric’s car Saturday morning.
Maybe it dropped behind the sofabed in my yellow room when I was studying.
Maybe some mad young Star Wars fan thought it would be cool to have Queen Amidala’s cell phone and teefed it off of me in the crowd at the store Friday night.
Maybe it fell out in the cab on the way home Friday night.
Maybe I’ll never find it again.

The worst part is, the battery is dead, so even when I call it, it goes straight into voicemail.
I sure wish Justin was on MSN.

2 thoughts on “Boo hoo

  1. Same thing happened to my first phone somewhere between the Molson Brewery in Montreal and the cab ride back to the hotel. It sucks.

  2. And a) check if any calls have been made from your phone since it went missing, and b) see if they can suspend your number until you can get a new phone or locate the old one.

    Otherwise, someone out there might be running up crazy charges 🙁

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