Well, I saw ‘Sin City’ last night with JVL. I thought, quite frankly, that it was damn good. Loved the triumphant nobility-is-all, Wagnerian overtones. Gail and Marv were particularly brilliant. Very funny in parts, despite (or perhaps, because of?) the multiplicity of testicular and penile violence – lots o’ castration happening in this flick, for those of you who haven’t read the comic. Lotsa lotsa.
Then, after what might be my last TTC trip home to Weston for a while if a strike happens Monday, I got home and proceeded to watch ‘Supersize Me’, which was revealing and horrifying and inspired me to pull down Justin’s dusty sit-up and weight benches and try (amusingly and incompetently) to utilize them. Am now SERIOUSLY reconsidering my idea of buying a stationary exercise bike to peddle on while sitting at my desk. Canadian Tire has one on sale for $200, which I think would fit under my desk (the clearance from floor to desktop is 69cm or 27.5in, which would hopefully case the flywheel portion of the machine), and I could totally get it delivered. There’s no rule against this sort of thing that I know of, as long as I continue to get my work done and the contraption doesn’t make too much noise, who’s going to complain? If Justin and I borrow his Dad’s truck this weekend, I’m driving up to the Canadian Tire at Crossroads, where it is apparently in stock, and if it’s quiet enough I’m buying it. I need more exercise!!!
**I would like to note that, despite the horror of obesity brought on by watching a man gain 20lbs in four weeks, I still ate 2 Timbits this morning, and am contemplating going back for a third. Why am I so weak?**
This weekend – Toronto’s National Home Show! I get to see Debbie Travis in person, and drool over the Benjamin Moore booth, and meet nice contractors! Hurrah! I hope the weather is good for getting down to Exhibition Place.
Lastly, I really hope that
Wait… when you say your desk, do you mean your desk at work?
Just don’t be like the crazy lady who worked here for about two weeks last summer, who in addition to apparently having narcolepsy and repeatedly nodding off in the middle of conversations, insisted on sitting on one of those exercise balls rather than a chair… except it wasn’t staying fully inflated, so every day she went into the stairwell and reinflated it, and her air pump made this awful high-pitched squeaking/shreeking noise that was amplified by said stairwell and filled the entire building (and me, with directionless – and then later, when I identified the source of the horrible noise, directed – rage).
But more importantly, in terms of exercise – do you have time to work out this weekend? For the first time in ages, I’m not rushing off to Oakville for Saturday, so if you’re up for another round, bring it on.
As for the good luck wishes – thank you. I kind of feel at this point like it’s just impossible and I will never, never had an offer accepted and will continue to waste my life and my money living in my tiny little rental bachelor forever… but maybe that’s just my panic at the thought of getting my hopes up and being crushed again talking…
because timbits are little balls of sunshiny, sugary happiness and everyone needs that every now and again (now and again being a relative term; shorter for some, longer for others).
That was easy, give me a hard one.
My intake of timbits over the last 24 hours probably exceeds the actual number of *hours* in the last 24 hours, if you know what I’m sayin’. Now *that’s* weakness. 🙂
I, uhh, I don’t know about the “bike in the cubicle” idea. Colossal impracticality has never been much of a deterrent for you when it comes to buying something once you get your mind set on it, but I think if you brought an exercise bike to work, it would do you about as much good as, oh, that placemat-sized digital drawing thing you bought on Ebay.
…I don’t think the bike is a bad idea, bog knows I could use one myself. Just, you know, maybe not at work.
I spend all my time AT work. Like, eight hours plus, five days a week. Even if I only used the thing on my lunchhour, that could make a lot of difference in my cardiovascular health. Is it MY fault that there’s no gym in this building?
And you’re right about my spending practices – they are sort of monumentally impulsive and unstoppable. But hey, it’s working out for you, right? What about the free luxury hotel stay you’re getting out of me in downtown Toronto next month?
At this rate, I’m gonna charge your ass short-term rent and make YOU pay for my exercise bike madness! (maybe I should invest in a small weights set, too…)

At least I’m not thinking of installing one of these in my cubicle:

I long to have one of these in my home so I can watch movies while spinning :
But then, I’m a geek who misses her spinning classes…. *g*
I already have a weight set. even useless 5 pounders that you can practice on to get the “feeling” for lifting weights with actual mass. And trampoline’s are dangerous, you’ll fuck yourself up. How about you put the money towards us getting fresh groceries, and a rope to attach to me so I don’t eat so much crap and drag you down with me.
I’m just throwing down my ideas…
You spend almost as much time there as you do at work – and you could ride the bike while studying and/or watching DVD box sets. Now there’s multitasking!
Dude, I’m sorry, but it will totally be too loud. Even the quietest ones go “whirrwhirrwhirrwhirr” incessantly, and when it’s more than 2 weeks old you know it’ll develop a little squeak somewhere that nobody can find to lubricate. Maybe your coworkers are more tolerant than me (who isn’t?) but I would probably have to kill you
Also, you will probably sweat, and thus smell. And the bike will smell of stale sweat. Ew.
How about getting one of those exercise balls? Not only is it supposedly awesome for your back and posture and stuff, in between bouts of work you can throw in a few weird exercises, and you can bounce up and down the hall on your lunch break for cardio. 😉
hee… see my above note regarding the potential noise hazards surrounding exercise balls. Of course, I’m pretty sure it was the pump that was making all the noise (and the CRAZY PERSON operating it. My god she was a wingnut…).
But yes, the sweat is also a big issue, especially if it’s a formal type office where one must wear suits/suit-quality finery, which I think intimated it is…
My sister in law uses this at her desk.. much better than the full size one you are thinking of!
Whoa. That thing is… crazy! Craaaazy!
And there are many of them on Amazon.
I must explore this option further. Thank you for the link!
I have a little suggestion – instead of paying out wads of money for a “stationary” exercise bicycle that will only build up heavy, dense, leg muscles, why don’t you consider taking a brisk walk at lunchtime and perhaps doing some stair walking on your breaks (always supposing that you get breaks, of course). Believe me, this will get you to where you wish to be much faster and more inexpensively that an exercise bicycle. From a garage sale devotee, I can honestly say that I see more exercise bicycles out for sale than any other form of exercise equipment. Take heed of this… they do not do an effective job or people would hold onto them. Love – Mom