Oh my Lord

What made me think that going to Home Depot at 10:30pm on a worknight was a good idea?

“Quick trip to buy some silicone adhesive,” my butt.
I NEVER get out of that place in less than an hour. Especially with Justin “Walk Every Aisle” V-L.
We just got home. Just now. Zzzzzzz.

(ps – I spent $50. On what? I don’t really know. I think there was a hose or something, maybe a brass gardening implement shaped like a Sai… I really couldn’t say. I should be chained to the house, because during essay time, any excuse will do. And I need that cash for, like, plane tickets to B.C. and stuff. Damn.)

6 thoughts on “Oh my Lord

  1. Any excuse to buy a tool… and that 4 D cell MAG-LITE®… as soon as I saw it, I knew it had to be mine…

  2. I’m not your typical manly tool guy, but I can’t go to Canadian Tire without feeling a mysterious urge to buy something handy and use it. It exerts a strange, siren-like pull that not even record stores have over me. I think it’s hard-wired in the Canadian psyche.

    As for the any-excuse-will-do factor, I’m right there with you. I note that you and I have been posting like mad over the past week. (For perspective: six out of the past seven posts on my friendlist come from you, .) We’ve really gotta buckle down here. How’s your essay coming?

  3. For perspective: six out of the past seven posts on my friendlist come from you, pipesdreams

    You know when you’re outposting me, you’ve gotten into serious procrastination territory…

  4. Well, on the bright side, it’s 25 pages, 10538 words long, and I’ve spent 716 minutes editing it (that’s almost 12 hours of it being open on the laptop or computer in front of me, not necessarily of me actually *writing* it – I was probably playing Bejewelled 2 on msn.com for at least 421 minutes of that time).

    On a less positive note, it’s over ten thousand words long, most of which is useless typed-out chunks of text from the novels that I should prune off before getting down to writing, you know MY OWN words, rather than just a baffling pastiche of Mr. Waugh’s, in between my extensive quotation collection.

    So, I guess, the Waugh paper is coming along fairly well, all things considered. I hope to be done by tomorrow. Optimistic? Perhaps.

    Then, I will have a whopping seven days (five of which are work-days) in which to write my Victorian Narrative Fiction paper. Which I have done virtually diddly squat on so far. Eek!

    It’s a good thing I work well under pressure.
    How are yours?

  5. So, I guess, the Waugh paper is coming along fairly well, all things considered.

    I misread this as “So, I guess, Mr. Waugh’s paper is coming along fairly well, all things considered.” Which was actually kind of apt and funny, given that you’d just said “it’s over ten thousand words long, most of which is useless typed-out chunks of text from the novels that I should prune off before getting down to writing, you know MY OWN words, rather than just a baffling pastiche of Mr. Waugh’s.”


  6. Glad to hear the essays are coming along well. I’m reminded of long nights spend at 102 with you, me and all furiously pounding out overdue papers while downing caffeine and cursing our lives. Strangely, I remember those nights fondly.

    As for how my essays are going: oh, pretty much the same as yours. Status is as follows:

    Essay 1 (Should Canada Indict Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe Under The Crimes Against Humanity Act?)
    Current word count: 3,400
    Target: 6,250
    Completion rate: 54.4%

    Essay 2 (Orphan Protection Laws and Practices in Kenya)
    Current word count: 6,463
    Target: 7,500
    Completion rate: 86.2%

    Essay 3 (Weinreb’s Theory of Rights)
    Current word count: don’t ask.

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