Where has the rum gone?

Aie aie aie. I think either the Appleton Estate has addled my brain, or else I’ve been inhaling too much rubber eraser dust.

I have had “A Whole New World” from Aladdin stuck on repeat in my head for over 15 minutes. I think I’m going mad from the schoolwork.

Maybe lighting some candles and painting my toenails in Opi “Nomad’s Dream” will help.

As an aside, some important dates for my paper:
1750 Bow Street Runners created
1805 Bow Street Horse Patrol created
1812 Robert Browning born on May 7
1828 Browning attends University of London for one year
1829 Metropolitan Police Force of London created
1842 Detective Department, Scotland Yard, created
1857 Matrimonial Causes Act passed, making marital disputes civil, not church concern
1861 Browning’s beloved wife, Elizabeth, dies
1861 Offences Against the Person Act passed, limiting capital punishment to 4 crimes
1864 Browning starts writing ‘The Ring and the Book’
1866 Royal Commission recommends introduction of degrees of murder (withdrawn unsuccessfully)
1868 Capital Punishment Within Prisons Bill passed on May 29, outlawing public execution in England
1868-69 Browning publishes ‘The Ring and the Book’

And, in an extra-creepy occurence, there was just a big crash in the kitchen, and my purse with all its contents mysteriously plunged from the counter to the floor of it’s own free will. It had been sitting there, undisturbed and out of the path of all breezes for over eight hours, since Justin left to go to work the free comic convention. Badly balanced? Or was it knocked down?


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