Whoa! I just saw Craig Burnatowski, someone I went to both grade school and high school with, on a commercial for Hershey’s Swoops. (It aired on HGTV, he’s the bald white dude looking really stoked to be eating Pringles-shaped chocolate, in case anyone else sees it.)
Bizarre! He acted in ‘Twelfth Night’ as the Malvolio to my Olivia (
Pardon me? What do you MEAN, what was I doing watching HGTV instead of writing my paper? At least I wasn’t playing Bejewelled 2 on msn.com! Geez!
Everyone in the band has been watching out for that commercial, with no sightings yet. Glad to hear it’s out there. I think we’re all deriving a strange vicarious pleasure from knowing that if we’re not on TV as a band, at least our singer is on TV eating Pringles-shaped chocolate and looking mighty cool while doing it.