Even weirder!!!

Whoa! I just saw Craig Burnatowski, someone I went to both grade school and high school with, on a commercial for Hershey’s Swoops. (It aired on HGTV, he’s the bald white dude looking really stoked to be eating Pringles-shaped chocolate, in case anyone else sees it.)

Bizarre! He acted in ‘Twelfth Night’ as the Malvolio to my Olivia ( was all up in there as well, as a punk-rock Scottish version of Sir Andrew Aguecheek. I bleached his hair for the role in one of my first (but definitely not my last) experiments into the wild world of peroxide.

Pardon me? What do you MEAN, what was I doing watching HGTV instead of writing my paper? At least I wasn’t playing Bejewelled 2 on msn.com! Geez!

One thought on “Even weirder!!!

  1. Everyone in the band has been watching out for that commercial, with no sightings yet. Glad to hear it’s out there. I think we’re all deriving a strange vicarious pleasure from knowing that if we’re not on TV as a band, at least our singer is on TV eating Pringles-shaped chocolate and looking mighty cool while doing it.

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