Since we’re geeking out over old movies…

This is how writing (not writing?) my Victorian Narrative essay makes me feel:

Just like Atreyu, I have three pressing questions in my mind…
Why did my horsie have to die?
Will I ever reach the Empress in time?
What if my thesis is untenable?

In other news, our new roommate moved in today. We have 4 people in the house for the next 5 weeks.

9 thoughts on “Since we’re geeking out over old movies…

  1. I think the important thing to congratulate you on here is your calm, non-dramatic approach to this. ;p~

  2. *blows raspberry*
    *wishes she knew how to drive stick so she could move to LA and valet*
    *gets back to work*

  3. Moira: don’t despair!
    Just keep pushing through the haze.
    Ay, here’s the good news:

    Your tale of essays,
    Unlike Atreyu’s story,
    ain’t neverending.

  4. Paul, at this very moment, you are my favourite person on the planet.

    And I’m not just saying this because elsewhere, you’ve offered me bacon AND real estate ethics-related research. 🙂

  5. I am yours in overwork – I have to learn 3 new pieces for the competition and I leave a week Friday. That’s right folks, a week Friday. One of the pieces is the musical equivalent of writing a 10,000 word essay where your thesis changes every two pages.

    I’ve started my getting up at 4:30am regime – the only way to get this stuff into my head is to do it then. By the end of the day, I am freaking POOPED.

    Go you! Go me! Go us!

  6. ::sticks tongue out in return::
    ::feels the need to tell pipesdreams that Claris would far rather be working on her Masters than valeting on the weekends::
    ::sends pipesdreams back to work::


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