
Well hot damn, I am physically unappealing right now.

Got my period yesterday morning. Also woke up with a cold sore. Two, actually. So I’m bleeding and blistery. And I have a bizarre zit right in the middle of the front of my neck. Not to mention feeling very heavy-set due to water weight gain. Hands are covered in minute lacerations and nails ripped from some extremely wildery gardening and rose-pruning this weekend. All in all, I am one Sexy Beast. Blech.

And of course, today is the day that I have to do my Federated Health charity speech at the staff meeting, AND I have my Legal Aid interview at 2:30pm. SuXor. Of course, having *completely* forgotten about said interview this morning, my hair is a disastrous, untamed mop, I am utterly without makeup, and I’m wearing pink converse runners. Five stars.

But fuck all that. Who cares? It’s only the body, in time it shall pass, and life will move on. My mind is clear and sharp, and I will rise above.

Saturday is a bit of a blur. I recall getting to the wine festival late with , drinking fast to catch up, eating a lot of chocolate, buying a lot of sangria mix, having a large barbecue lighter shaped like an oversized match bought for me, taking tea at Pusateri’s, and staggering back to the car parked at the condo. Both Mum and I were in no shape to drive, so we had more tea and a wine-induced slothfest in front of the TV.

By the time we were ready to operate a motor vehicle again, it was getting dark, and the morning’s sunshine had turned to damp, cold drizzle and then a full-on pourdown. We went hunting for Japanese Blood Grass at a garden centre, but to no avail, and then, grumpy and hungry, we got take-home Thai food, picked up at the store, and drive back to Weston. JVL said something that really offended me just as we were getting in the door to the house, so I packed Mum dinner to go, grabbed a plate, and headed to the basement with our roommate K’s dog where I watched ‘Clan of the Cave Bear’ by myself. Seeing Darryl Hannah give birth alone in a cave in winter is excellent remedy for female rage.

Sunday was really quiet. I cooked breakfast. There was a lot of heavy gardening: I dug out a tree stump with a pitchfork, a shovel and a hatchet (there are still many more to remove), replanted the strawberries that got ruthlessly dug out and munched on by the Evil Squirrels in our neighborhood, and sliced and bagged some more of the massive shrub that used to lord over our front lawn. I read most of Dorothy Gilman’s ‘Kaleidoscope’, just for light amusement. And I made my own Hollandaise and grilled some asparagus for lunch. Disappointingly, that’s about it. The rain kept me down.

Sorry this entry is a little bland, but I think the wine festival left me with a dull hangovery feeling all weekend.

6 thoughts on “Fugly

  1. You need one of these:

    Three layers of chocolate sponge cake, soaked with espresso and coffee liqueur, separated by two layers of mocha mousse (Daz Bog espresso, Karl’s Farm Dairy 48% heavy cream, and bittersweet chocolate) glazed twice with bittersweet chocolate ganache and garnished with an espresso bean.


  2. Would you like to become my honorary homeopathist?

    I’ve already taken on your sister as my honorary acupuncurist (she’d be my “real” acupuncturist, except we live very far apart and also I’m deadly scared of needles).

  3. good luck with the interview!

    if it makes you feel better, you’re not the only one less than spot on today. I realized this when I had to go correct the spelling of “interview”. Twice.

  4. Very sorry I missed your housewarming!

    Hope it went well; I think it was a good idea for you and E. to skip the drinking, since it left me more than a little incapacitated for the balance of Saturday.

    But wait ’till you see the gigantic metal matchstick/flamethrower I bought!

    It’s RAD!

  5. Hey, I’m sorry I missed *your* event! I was very grumpy Friday night when it was obvious that we wouldn’t be able to go – us with our silly demands for ‘having a clean house’ and ‘not having boxes in the living room’. We’ll make it up to each other by drinking wine at the new house sometime soon.

    I hope you start feeling better! 🙂

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