“It’s uncontrollable… I just keep eating and eating!”
JVL and I at our friend Liv’s wedding 2 weeks ago.
6 thoughts on ““It’s uncontrollable… I just keep eating and eating!””
so apparently JVL has gone carb crazy…
lovely. just lovely. 🙂
Oh, GOD! The Humanity! I am trapped at lab. It sucks. I havent eatne anything but triscuits all day. The not-fun never stops around here. Only 1 week left… just 1 week left.
Which reminds me. Somewhere out there….exists a picture of me eating a *giant* spoonful…or rather, ladleful…of ‘s cranberry salad of doom. Eek. I hope that never surfaces 🙂
oh that’s right – *I* have that picture! Only by the grace of dog is it not posted online somewhere…well, that and the fact that I don’t have a photobucket thingy….
Oh no!! Burn it burn it burn it! Bwhaha. I don’t think I’ve seen it, but it cannot be pretty. Oh the horror…
so apparently JVL has gone carb crazy…
lovely. just lovely. 🙂
Oh, GOD! The Humanity! I am trapped at lab. It sucks. I havent eatne anything but triscuits all day. The not-fun never stops around here. Only 1 week left… just 1 week left.
Which reminds me. Somewhere out there….exists a picture of me eating a *giant* spoonful…or rather, ladleful…of ‘s cranberry salad of doom. Eek. I hope that never surfaces 🙂
oh that’s right – *I* have that picture! Only by the grace of dog is it not posted online somewhere…well, that and the fact that I don’t have a photobucket thingy….
Oh no!! Burn it burn it burn it! Bwhaha. I don’t think I’ve seen it, but it cannot be pretty. Oh the horror…