C is for Cookie

Tried to bake myself out of my bad mood last night. Not “bake” like smoke the rad weed, the ganja, the mary jane, the reefer… “bake” like attempt to make oatmeal and raisin cookies. Except I used new roommate K’s recipie, which was basically, “take a lot of butter, add a lot of sugar to it, throw in some flour, oats, baking soda, an egg and a bunch of raisins and Bob’s your Uncle”, which was confusing to me since all the butter melted, leaving me with one massive cookie that was burned all the way around its 22″ x 18″ diameter and utterly raw and gooey at its centre. In what Universe could such a recipie, based entirely on the cohesive properties of butter at high temperatures, ever work?

On a scale of ‘Ambrosial Martha Perfection’ to ‘Pucks of Inedible Badness’, I would place this experiment at ‘Total Recipie Malfunction’. I will try again on Monday, since I basically have nothing else planned for this long weekend coming up. Maybe I’ll quilt, just to prove something to someone somewhere about my capacity for domesticity. (New Roommate’s efficient and cheerful household productivity – the total antithesis of Old Roommate’s utterly slothful mooching – is bringing out the ugly in my hideously competitive nature)

got me a t-shirt today; it matches one of his that has “Beware of Perverts” on it in Japanese, with a little decal of a man lifting a lady’s skirt. Mine has “Beware of Women Perverts” on it, with a matching decal of a lady reaching for a man’s package. Somehow I get the feeling we’ll be wearing these to San Diego.

JVL also went to go see a preview showing of Star Wars: Episode III this morning at 9:30am, and he says on his other blog that he was pleasantly surprised. He had previously been of the “optimism doesn’t live here anymore” camp of disillusioned Star Wars fans, but E3 has somewhat restored his faith in the dynasty. They also filmed some CBC news piece on the release of the new movie at the Silver Snail last night (I accidentally walked into one of the shots, but I was edited out as the announcer serendipitously made a verbal boo-boo just at that moment), so you’ll be able to see the Snail lightsabers at play onscreen sometime in the next day or two.

Today I’ve been drumming up contributions to the Federated Health charities at my work; I must say I’m really impressed with the generosity of many people in my branch so far. I think JVL is going to donate toys from the store for our online auction, which is great!

Tonight I’ll be hanging out with and to have some snacks and relaxing girly chill time. Much needed; much appreciated. Hopefully more to come on the weekend with and if all goes well.

16 thoughts on “C is for Cookie

  1. Why must delicious oatmean cookies continue to be subjected to raisin invasions? It haunts me that though I *love* oatmeal cookies, I *hate* (abhor, will not eat…ever) raisins. Who decided they had to go together? Sigh. Sorry yours didn’t work out….even if I would have approved of the grape turds within 🙂

  2. Well, they had a liberal scattering of chocolate chips in there as well.

    So, perhaps you could have pretended that the raisins were chocolate chips with a little more “chew” to them???

    If I ever get the hang of cookie making (I think I’ll need to learn things like “which cookie sheet is most appropriate” and “when lots of butter is too much butter” and “portioning out the balls of dough correctly” before the hang is achieved), I will try to make you some raisin-less cookies. But you know, I love raisins so much, my hand might slip into the raisin jar without my conscious mind knowing it has done so.

  3. I share both your love of oatmeal cookies and your dislove of raisins. *shudder* Why must the two always go hand in hand? WHY???

  4. Raisins and chocolate chips could never be confused! One is a beautiful little morsel of chocolately goodness….the other is a grape turd 🙂

    I’m not bad with cookies, though it’s been a long time since I made any. I’m better with things like the (if I do say so myself) *magnificent* Baileys Cheesecake I made for and ‘ housewarming. Don’t even get me started on loaves 🙂

    I suppose I could always just make *myself* some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Huh…

  5. I do believe we are – aaaand, I think I will rent a car this year.

    Are you going? If not, am I brave enough to drive into L.A. to find you???

  6. You always were smarter than me.

    Thanks for the pics, by the way! JVL and I enjoyed them greatly.

    I can’t mail cookies to NYC, can I? ‘Cause if I can, maybe you can test drive the next batch…

  7. I already told you this yesterday. People who quilt a lot, bake a lot and do yoga a lot are freaks and Must. Be. Stopped.

    Just be your adorable self and screw it. Seriously, quilting gives me the heebies. Mebbe ’cause my mother-in-law loves it.

  8. I’m pondering. I’ve been instructed that I need to go to a few & start talking to people if I’m to begin mailing out chapters for pitches…however, I’ve never actually attended a con, & I didn’t want to be caught with just me & a bunch of guys dressed as Klingons – If you could be so kind as to pass a girl a link with info, I’ll peruse that bad boy…

  9. Here’s the link:

    I believe the opening page pretty much sums it up, “The LARGEST Comics and Pop Culture Event in North America. PERIOD.”

    Believe me, there are Klingons in full dress – like, whole families, mothers and small children and babies with little head ridges. Slightly creepy. But there are also thousands upon thousands of totally normal people, including plenty of womenfolk, who are there for the extremely advance sci-fi movie previews (last year we go to see about 5 minutes of ‘Firefly’, meet the whole cast including Joss Whedon, and also see Sarah Michelle Gellar’s new Japanese horror flick trailer ‘The Grudge’, and Jude Law was there to promote ‘Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow’… it’s a pretty big deal for pop culture fans). This is as far from a unisex nerdfest as you’re going to get while still remaining on this continent.

    Plus, I’ll be there to hang out with. And possibly as well, if he gets his act together!

    My big goal this year: DO NOT get really sick on the plane ride over and then remain bedridden with mystery illness for first three days of the con.

  10. First & foremost – Good goal!

    Second, lemme take a look, do some dates & numbers. I MAY be able to swing this, in which case we may have to meet up & make mischief/blow stuff up/offend any famous people we can find/::insert troublemaking activity here:: …do something.

  11. so from the looks of it, I could probably swing Fri night – Sun afternoon, which is like, respectable & all…and the two hour drive. Now the trick, methinks, would be finding m’self a hotel room…

    I’ll sign my late-registerin’ arse up when I get back from lawgeekgurlLand…

  12. Ooooh! We could totally shack you up with JVL’s Daddy. He LOVES attractive young ladeez. 🙂 hahahahaha No but seriously.

    I booked him the room next to ours at the Holiday Inn on the Bay (just close enough to the con, without being stupidly close, but yes, there is a shuttlebus that runs door to door). He has two double beds, only one of which he will be occupying. And although he really does love womenfolk, he is amusing, high spirited, and would be quite the gentleman.

    (Warning: he SNORES like a BASTARD)

  13. hrm….I have a certain tolerance for how long I can be around people in general, so I’d probably see if I could garner m’self a single…you got contact info for that shack o’ temporary repose?

    btw, I didn’t plan it this way, but the fact that you’ve got all the research done already is making this really easy for my inherently lazy arse, so thanks for that! *g*

  14. Sadly no, I don’t know that USPS accepts baked goods anymore (for security reasons, you understand).

    I reckon you’ll have to bring some of them cookies here yourself.


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