The Modern Equivalent of the Report Card on the Fridge

U of T, School of Graduate Studies
Master of Arts – Department of English

Course Code__Title______________________________Weight___Grade
ENG1001H OLD ENGLISH I_______________________0.50______INC
ENG5807H SRI LANKAN LITERATURE____________________0.50______A
ENG8000H BIBLIOGRAPHY I___________________________0.50______CR
ENG2983H PARADISE LOST___________________________0.50______A+
ENG3561H STDS-18C POETRY________________________0.50______INC
ENG5987H WEST AFRICAN FICTION____________________0.50______INC
ENG6180Y FICTION & MEDIA__________________________1.00______A
ENG5955H JOYCE,THEORY & CULTURE STUDIES__________0.50______A
ENG5253H GREENE AND WAUGH___________________0.50______A-
Credits Earned: 3.50 (plus one CR course)

Now I just need to turn Old English I from an “INC” to an “A” for that last 0.5 credits and I’m cookin’ with gas! Go, Team Me!

(ps – What the hell is with my Greene prof giving me an A-? I *dominated* his class. Suck it, Richard Greene. You’re not even related to Graham, you just wish you were. Wanker. Also? You still have my Stephen Fry DVD that I loaned you THREE MONTHS AGO GIVE IT BACK LOSER OMG.)

10 thoughts on “The Modern Equivalent of the Report Card on the Fridge

  1. It was probably that weird fried thing you sent to his table at the pub….


  2. You know, I was thinking the same thing.
    Damned vengeful nature! I always seem to shoot myself in the foot with things like anonymous fried pickle threats.

    I’ll be sure to explain the whole situation in detail to any PhD admissions panel that might ever look at this report card. I’ll already have a salty tale of a brain tumour and some incomplete courses that I can warm them up with…

    By the way, you need to keep eating to make it through this last week. It’s very, very bad for you to be at the lab for hours at a time without taking snacks with you. Please be careful of yourself!

    Wish I could be with y’all in New Orleans this weekend. Sadness does not begin to describe how woeful I am that I didn’t buy a ticket months ago. Ah, sweet regret.

  3.’re a total browner 🙂

    Sigh….I remember being smart once. What happened?

  4. Wee hoo for you!! Heh heh for the Greene prof. Sounds like me and ol’ Solecki in my CanLit class. Nothing like fucking memorizing a simple 27 line Purdy poem and reciting it for my final exam. Hello A! That’s my favourite grade. I scammed that guy so hard…I mean, the poem wasn’t even in a foreign language and I didn’t have to sing it! How easy is that?? I totally dominated that class as well since I could match him anecdote for anecdote…”Well, back when I was four and sending pictures I made to Margaret Laurence…”

    Hm. Again, I have made this post all about me. Back to you…congrats!!

  5. I am now officially ignoring all drama from you in the future. I had you pegged as one of those “seems smart in person but fails classes like a total ass clown” people from all the panicking that was going down. Puh-LEEZE.

    Speaking, of course, as someone who has indeed failed many classes like an UTTER ASS CLOWN.

  6. congratulations!

    though i seem to recall that you were taking old english when i was still at U of T…? the same may or may not apply to west african lit as well, but who’s counting? you’re still awesome.

  7. These are my OVERALL master’s grades, to date, including the ones I started in 2001/2002 and left “incomplete” (thus explaining Old English, West African Fic, and Eighteenth-Century Poetry).

    My only courses THIS semester were Evelyn Waugh & Graham Greene and Victorian Fiction. But I have to get myself reinstated in Old English, hand in a final paper, and get the mark altered, or else NO GRADUATION FOR MOIRA.

    Which would be most upsetting.

  8. I ate today, that counts, right? There is time to eat after prelims!

    I kid! I joke! Tuesday was one of those rare days that happens about once a month when I have a seamless 12 hours of back to back experiments and time only for goldfish or triscuits. That was a bad day to quit drinking coffee…. though today was the day of the caffeine-withdrawal headaches. I had to drink a cup of coffee to get rid of the sledgehammer battering my brain.

    We are going to be in New Orleans next weekend… you just gave me a heart flutter thinking I had purchased tickets for the wrong weekend, how lame-o would that have been? Next time we go to NOLA, you and JVL have to come. So it is written, so it shall be done.


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