
All right, fine, I get it, I give in, I will go on a diet.

Yes, kids, it’s my VERY FIRST DIET EVER! At age 27, I guess it’s about time that I give myself over to the National Pastime of watching what I eat.

I’ve been all proud in the past that my metabolism has been sufficiently kind to give me the kind of body which, while by no means describable as “slender”, could certainly garner adjectives like “curvy”, “womanly” and most importantly “petite”. No longer. Metabolism, you, aided by your fiendish collaborators, Hormonal Birth Control and Increasingly Sedentary Lifestyle, have renedered me “lumpy”, “heavyset” and possibly even “tubby”. This will not do.

I know nothing at all about diets, and although several of my friends have done Weight Watchers, I find the concept of “points” totally unappealing. I saw my friend go on South Beach before her wedding, and that seemed to go pretty well, when combined with some rigorous squash-playing. So probabaly a little gardening and a whole lot less oatmeal-raisin cookies will do me some good. We’ll see how my personal willpower stands up to two weeks of no fruit, no bread, no potatoes, no boozahol. Wish me luck.

12 thoughts on “Capitulation

  1. Wow. You find giving up fruit, bread, potatoes and wine more appealing than counting?

    You and I are so very different 🙂

    Not that I loved counting points, but seriously, being able to have at least a small amount of anything I’m craving (including a glass of wine pretty much every day) went a long way to keeping me on said diet. I lost 20 pounds in two months.

  2. It seems awfully un-patriotic of you to cut out the booze during the May 2-4 weekend. 🙂

  3. but I think WW is a better option in terms of giving you lots of options, meal-wise, and making it easier to negotiate the real life deal. Like, you can eat all things in moderation and have alcohol. I would re-think your aversion to the points issue.I know you, you like bread and stuff, which you can have on WW. At least SB isn’t as bad as Atkins.

    It’s for sure the hormonal birth control and your REALLY AWFUL eating habits. Love you, though. *loves*

    Don’t let JVL and his gerbil metabolism drag you down into “KFC…just this once, I’m sure it’s fine…” mentality.

  4. I’ve never been one to traditionally drink Queen Vic’s health; somehow, I always get the feeling that she just wouldn’t *approve*.

    But what better weekend to test my resolve?

    Honestly, I’d say that alcohol is the LEAST of my concerns – I’ve never been a big drinker, and JVL and I don’t really have wine with meals or touch hard liquor unless we have guests. Sometimes we’ll share a beer or two while watching comedy shows on the weekend, but it’s not a major component of our lives together.

    Now, giving up bread is the BIG trouble. And fruit. I *love* fruit, and it’s almost impossible to see it as being in any way detrimental to my health, since I know it’s good for me. But not for the next two weeks, it isn’t. Then, I get to work it slowly back into my diet.

    Really, I just want my weight to go back to hovering around the 140 mark, rather than the 150 before my cousin’s wedding. That would make me happy.

  5. …do take a look at the no-points version, the Core plan. It’s definitely an excellent route to healthy eating; just, with no self-discipline whatsoever, I picked the points version instead.

    Obviously that has worked out super-well for me too, what with the not keeping track any more and eating whole packages of cookies at a sitting and stuff. Yeah.

  6. …my mom does SB when she needs a kick-start back into her WW plan, but doesn’t stay on it for long on doctor’s orders. Just a note.

  7. I blame it entirely for my current weight issue. The issue being, goddamit I gained weight! I was so happy up until a few months ago 🙁 Now my fat pants are too tight. Serious blow to the feeling of sexiness (of which I feel none) Now I’m not sure if it’s going to magically go away because I’ve stopped taking it (bwah…whatever) or if I need to do something. (boobs can stay though, please)

    I’d like to point out that I’m eating a big lard filled cookie while I type this. Oops.

  8. You know? Probably someday. Right now I’m so sadly without any need for bc at all that I’m not even thinking about it. Sigh.

  9. No sugar at all, in any way, for two weeks. None. Nada.

    Not even allowed to have sugar in salad dressing. No fruit drinks, no pop, no iced tea with sugar, no tea with sugar, no sugar.

    Fruit is chock full o’ sugary goodness. So, vegetables. Must learn to love them all. Also, meats.

    If you want to check out what I’m eating, you can log in under my name.
    Go to and type in my work email, then enter Olivia1977 as the password. You can see the suggested menus and everything.

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