I feel like my head is made out of doggie kibble. Maybe it’s the result of too many sugar-free, starch-free days (this is my last “Phase 1” day – hoorah!). Maybe it’s because I’ve been reading Marian Keyes slightly trashy chicklit novels like they’re going out of style. Maybe it’s the mocking look that my employee ID pass gives me, with its opposite-of-Dorian Grey-style face that remains perky, optimistic and skinny as year after year of government employment (it’ll be three years come Sept 9th) wear on me and transform everything from my wardrobe to my personality into a hollow, lifeless corporate drone. Ugh.
I think I need either a change of vocation or a vacation. Speaking of which, my beloved auntie has FINALLY gotten around to finding lodgings for herself and her husband, my mother, my cousins, and JVL and I to stay in while we’re in Victoria. It’s a little on the extravagant side, and technically speaking my poor Mum will have to do without a bed for the balance of the wedding weekend, but who am I to complain? It has a fireplace! And many skylights.
Speaking of hotels: I finally found my bloody room confirmation for San Diego – the Comicon is July 13-17, but I did the booking sooooo long ago I’d forgotten when and where. This is the trouble with being too precocious and “organized”. Anyhow, now it’s up to JVL to book the flights. If anyone has hints for cheap ones, let me know, ‘kay?
In academic news, I got my paper (*and* my Stephen Fry DVD, hurrah!) back from prof with remarks. I have to say, I was a little miffed about the A-, but he gave some cogent reasons for doing so, which were about as complimentary as a diss on one’s writing skills can be. Check it out:
“This is an interesting, inventive and witty paper. I particularly admire the last two sections, where your argument is very focused. You are a very good prose stylist — but I think you need to relax about it. You are often guilty of what Fowler in Modern English Usage calls “elegant variation” — constantly supplying odd synonyms and circumlocutions rather that repeating a simple noun or providing a pronoun. For example, just count the number of ways you refer to money or the lack of it. If you own a thesaurus, throw it away. Also, I think you try very hard to produce interesting verbal flourishes and long, decorative turns of phrase. I wouldn’t bother — the risk is verbosity. You will always write elegantly. I suggest the greater challenge for you is economy.”
This pleasant although negative feedback steeled me to call my Old English professor, who was very nice about hearing from me, despite the fact that I’m asking him to give me a final grade on a course I took almost four years ago. I need to call him again this afternoon to set up a meeting time for next week, but the bad news is he thinks he’s lost my final translation exam. This is super duper bad, since not only may have to re-do said exam, which gave me nightmares for weeks before I took it, but also I scored an 82% on it the first time around, a feat which I sincerely doubt I can re-enact. Le sigh.
I find myself thinking about buying a Vespa a lot lately. I’ve been all like, “Hey, if I could cough up $2000 on a washer/dryer and dining room set, why not for a motorcycle!?!” Then I usually follow up that hazy line of reasoning with a little talking-to about the health benefits of bicycles; the environmental damage caused by gas; how ontario is only sunny and warm half the year and then the vespa would sit in a garage all winter and be useless and need expensive tune-ups in the spring; and most importantly how it would INSTANTLY get stolen. Yet still… I WANT ONE.
Went to my last yoga class for a while (until the studio re-opens) last night. I got all excited because there was a lady there who looked a lot like
Lastly, in this hideously long update, our old roommate (that’s “Mr. Paint Tray Borrower” to you LJ kids), was supposed to move out yesterday. Yesterday seems to have stretched into today, and I pray to God it doesn’t sort of lean over into tomorrow too, or so help me, blood may be shed.
I. Need. More. Space. Really, really badly.
ps – I still haven’t seen SW:ROTS yet. JVL and I were going to try tonight, but no dice. Maybe on Sunday? Want to seeeeee iiiiit!
I think I might pop up to San Diego for Fri night (whenever I get out of work) – Sun afternoon…and I just realized I don’t have your e. Hit me up at claris_at_nodignity, hrm?
…are pretty well written themselves! “If you own a thesaurus, throw it away” Bwah. Really, if the worst criticism is that you know too many words? That ain’t bad 🙂
What Winners do you go to with such cute-sounding stuff?
Let me tell you, the Winners at College Park (south-west corner of the intersection at College and Yonge) is so bomb. I seriously have daytime hallucinations about being on one of those television shows where they give you a trolley and you get to run through the aisles, timed by a stopwatch, and whatever you throw into the trolley that fits you, or that you guesstimate the price accurately on, you can keep when your time has run out.
The shoes are particularly tempting, but unfortunately my taste always runs to the more expensive Ralph Lauren, Bisou Bisou, Bebe, Nine West, Franco Sarto brands, etc. which always cost between $60-70. I’m such a cheapskate at heart. The sleek-lookin trillium shoes? Which are actually leather? Were $24.99 — Oh yeah.
I figured it had to be that one, but I have never found anything there. Sigh.
Hey you!
Yoga!!! Give me a call and we’ll go over to the Yoga Studio some time — or Downward Dog (although since we’re both out of yoga-shape I think they might throw us out at DD).
The “Panorama Penthouse” was actually quite hard to get, and there was a bit of a mix-up..did you see the place we were originally going to stay at? It had fresh organic fruits and vegetables in the garden! Damnit! And why is your Mum not getting a bed??
Mum and I last talked about Aunt I. booking a place several months ago – like, before I booked my flights so probably late March or early April – and she said that your Mum wanted to get a head start because it was the Big Ships week or some such, so accomodation in Victoria would be limited. I just figured it was all under control and didn’t think about it anymore.
So you can imagine my panic when Mum told me that your maman called her last week to say that we still didn’t have a place to stay, and the current choice showed on the internet as having only single beds! Panic!!! I still haven’t heard confirmation from my Mum that we have the Penthouse, so I don’t think Aunt I. has called her to confirm. Do you know if we have it for sure? I’d feel a lot better knowing that we were good to go for accomodations, since the wedding is in two weeks… (panic!)
The Panorama Penthouse only has three double bedrooms – Master for your Mum and Dad, double for you and Jason, double for me and Justin. So over the weekend, when we’re all there, Mum gets the sofa. That’s where the “Mum gets no bed” thing comes in.