Has anyone noticed Google’s header today?

Why why why does my brain always return the error message “Andrew Lloyd Webber? No?” when confronted with a picture of Falling Water, or any other extremely distinct architectural work created by Frank Lloyd Wright? Is the same middle name/same last initial argument really that compelling to my synaptic search syntax?


Also? Clicky-thing on this, as it is totally awesome: Hello! World of Nintendo enters our reality.

5 thoughts on “Has anyone noticed Google’s header today?

  1. poster child is my new hero.

    Well, him and the Bush Flag Poo guy…. see my last post.


  2. Look, it’s cool, but publicly displaying paraphernalia that is obviously related to an extremely popular mass-marketed product seems to me to be a sub-optimal way to express one’s frustration with the fact that “our public spaces (sidewalks, parks, etc) have been taken over by ads.”

    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t really care about ads and I think the blocks are cool.

    I’m just sayin’.


  3. …I hear you about ALW and FLW. I thought Gloria Steinem and Gloria Vanderbilt were the same person until Jen started working for Ms.


  4. HEY! don’t dis the saffron (or “pylon orange”, depending on your level of pretention).

    though i must say i’d be super stoked to find one of these hanging from trees in central park.

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