One of those days

Friday after-work “to do” list: 1. Desperately try to catch 4:45pm GOTrain home. 2. Type notes from this week’s classes. 3. Email professors with uncannily insightful thesis proposals 4. Read Cantos 2-17 of Byron’s ‘Don Juan’. 5. Read Bakhtin’s ‘Theory of the Novel’ 6. Read Waugh’s ‘Brideshead Revisited’. 7. Kiss Justin goodnight. 8. Assssleeeeep (by […]

In case anyone’s wondering…

I am still checking LJ and posting daily, it’s just that all of my posts are school-related and I sensed that it could get dull for some of you to be reading my gestating ideas for theses day after day after day, so I’ve been locking them as ‘private’. But I will get off the […]