Help Functions Are Useful
Aha! I relearned ImageReady, so brace yourselves for a slew of new and mildly offensive icons, savaging the memory of English literature’s nost noble writers. Time for bed now. G’night everyone… zzzzz
Aha! I relearned ImageReady, so brace yourselves for a slew of new and mildly offensive icons, savaging the memory of English literature’s nost noble writers. Time for bed now. G’night everyone… zzzzz
Should have updated last night, but instead spent the time fiddling about on my laptop before going to sleep, trying to create my “Wordsworth Sucks” LJ icon for today, by splicing four frames into an animated GIF that would read: “Fact: William Wordsworth was born in COCKermouth, Cumberland” / picture of William / “Fact: William […]