Submarine by Joe Dunthorne

[rating=4] A bizarre peek inside the mind of a teenaged Welsh boy; a twisted nod to classic YA. It’s like Sue Townsend’s ‘Adrian Mole Diaries’ meets Maurice Sendak’s ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ meets Dylan Thomas’s ‘Under Milk Wood’ but with NO HOLDS BARRED. Yes, this book is powerfully awkward at times. It’s rude. Impolite. […]

Damn You, Brain! Why Can’t I Achieve?

Harumph. This is frustrating the pants off of me. And not in a sexy way. I’m trying to complete at least one more article for Chrissy’s MusesBitch contest, but the pressure to achieve has me hitting the wall. Almost literally. My initial idea was to contribute a brief paper on easy-access comics; in particular the […]